Total Knee Replacement Surgery: What To Know and What To Expect

After The Procedure

In the hospital

After the surgery, the nursing staff takes you to the recovery room to keep you under observation. Once your breathing rate, pulse rate, and blood pressure are normal, the staff makes sure that you are alert to shift into another hospital room. It is usual for the knee replacement surgery patients to stay in hospital for several days. It is significant to start moving the replaced joint after surgery. A physical therapist meets the patient soon after the surgery and customizes an exercise routine for you. To initiate the physical therapy, a continuous passive motion (CPM) machines starts monitoring the patient. a CPM machine moves the new knee joint while you are in bed through its range of motion.

The patient is on medications to keep in check the pain so that they can take part in the exercise routine. The physical therapist plans an exercise routine for the patients to follow in the hospital as well as for home after discharge. The patient discharges from hospital either to their homes or to a rehabilitation center. In both cases, the doctor arranges for the physical therapy to carry on until the patient regains better range of motion and muscle strength.