What Is Trichomoniasis? & How Do You Get It?

Home Treatments for Trichomoniasis: Do They Work?

Home Treatments for Trichomoniasis Do They Work?

There are many home remedies that people have used for trichomoniasis. Some of these include apple cider vinegar, yogurt, garlic, and tea tree oil. Some people have found these remedies effective, there is not enough scientific evidence to support their use. If you are experiencing symptoms of trichomoniasis, it is best to see a doctor for treatment. (7)

Black tea

Black tea has been shown to be an effective treatment for trichomoniasis. In a study of 50 women with trichomoniasis, those who were treated with black tea showed a significant reduction in symptoms compared to those who received placebo.2 The researchers believe that black tea’s anti-inflammatory properties may be responsible for its effectiveness against trichomoniasis.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural remedy that has been shown to be effective against Trichomonas vaginalis. In a study, researchers found that hydrogen peroxide was able to kill the parasites that cause trichomoniasis within minutes.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural home remedy for trichomoniasis. It helps to alkalize the body, which creates an environment that is unfavorable for the Trichomonas vaginalis parasite. Apple cider vinegar also helps to improve gut health, which is beneficial because Trichomonas vaginalis lives in the gut. In addition, apple cider vinegar has antiparasitic and antifungal properties that can help to get rid of the Trichomonas vaginalis parasite.

Pomegranate juice or extract

There is some evidence that suggests that pomegranate juice or extract may help to treat trichomoniasis. A study in 2010 found that pomegranate juice was effective at eradicating Trichomonas vaginalis in vitro. Another study, published in “Phytotherapy Research” in 2014, found that pomegranate extract was also effective at eliminating T. vaginalis in vitro. However, more research is needed to confirm these findings.


Myrrh is an aromatic gum resin that has been used medicinally for centuries. Preliminary research suggests that myrrh may be effective against the parasite that causes trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection. In one study, myrrh extract was shown to kill the parasite in vitro. Additionally, myrrh has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may help to improve symptoms associated with trichomoniasis. More research is needed to determine the safety and efficacy of myrrh for this condition, but it appears to be a promising natural treatment option.

Zinc sulfate douche

Zinc sulfate douche is a recognized treatment for trichomoniasis. A study published in 2001 compared the effectiveness of zinc sulfate douche to metronidazole gel, and found that the douche was more effective in eradicating the infection. However, there are some drawbacks to using zinc sulfate douche. It can be irritating to the vagina and may cause burning or itching. Additionally, it can be messy and inconvenient to use.


Ginger is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of illnesses. It has strong anti-inflammatory as well as antimicrobial properties that may make it effective in the treatment of trichomoniasis. A study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research found that ginger extract was effective at inhibiting the growth of Trichomonas vaginalis, the parasite responsible for trichomoniasis. Another study published in The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that ginger was equally as effective as metronidazole, the standard treatment for trichomoniasis, in treating the infection. Ginger appears to be a safe and effective treatment for trichomoniasis and may be a good alternative to prescription medications.


Some studies suggest that resveratrol may be helpful in treating trichomoniasis. In one study, resveratrol was found to be effective against the parasite that causes trichomoniasis.3 Another study showed that resveratrol was able to reduce the symptoms of trichomoniasis.

More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of resveratrol treatment for trichomoniasis.


Basil is a popular herb that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Recent studies have shown that basil may be effective in treating trichomoniasis. It can provide symptomatic relief from itching, burning, and discharge from the vagina or penis. Basil may help to kill the parasite and relieve the symptoms of trichomoniasis. However, more research is needed to confirm the efficacy of basil in treating this infection.


Tomatoes have been shown to be an effective home remedy against trichomoniasis. The high acidity of tomatoes helps to kill the Trichomonas vaginalis parasite. Drinking a tomato juice and water mixture twice a day for seven days can help clear up the infection. In addition, adding crushed fresh tomatoes to your diet can also help speed up the healing process.

Verbascum thapsus

Verbascum thapsus, also known as Mullein, is a plant that has been used to treat trichomoniasis for centuries. A recent study found that Verbascum thapsus extract was effective in eliminating Trichomonas vaginalis in vitro. The study also found that the extract was safe and did not cause any adverse effects. More research is needed to determine whether Verbascum thapsus is an effective treatment for trichomoniasis in humans, but the preliminary evidence suggests that it may be a promising option.

Nigella sativa

It is an annual flowering plant that belongs to the family Ranunculaceae, native to southwest and southern Asia. The seeds of Nigella sativa have been traditionally used for a variety of medicinal purposes. Nigella sativa oil has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. Nigella sativa seed extract has also been found to be effective against Trichomonas vaginalis, a parasite that causes trichomoniasis.

Boric acid

Boric acid is a common household item that has been proven to be an effective treatment for trichomoniasis. It can be purchased at most drug stores and comes in the form of a powder, pill, or cream. When used correctly, boric acid is safe and will cure the infection within a few days. Some people experience no side effects while others may experience skin irritation or nausea, but these are rare. It is important to follow the instructions on the package carefully and consult with a doctor if there are any questions.

Manilkara rufula flavonoid

Manilkara rufula is a tree found in tropical regions of Africa and South America. The bark and leaves of the tree have been used traditionally to treat a variety of infections including trichomoniasis. A study published in 2014 investigated the potential efficacy of M. rufula extract against T. vaginalis infections in vitro. The results showed that the extract was effective at inhibiting the growth of T.