20 Warning Signs and Symptoms of osteoporosis that Require Immediate Attention

Fractures with minor trauma

Patient who are above 50 years old and had a fracture caused by minor trauma, it is an alarming sign that they might be suffering from weak and brittle bones. They need to be evaluated as soon possible by a doctor so that proper treatment can be started. Any unexplained fracture caused by a low-trauma incident should be managed very carefully as healing can be slower among osteoporotic patient than their healthier counterparts.

High risk patients are suggested following measures:

  • Eat food high in calcium like milk products
  • Weight-bearing exercises can be helpful.
  • Regular strength training like lifting weights in the gym

Activities like yoga also emphasize on the strengthening the muscles and bones to delay or end the disease process. If you suffer from a compression fracture due to osteoporosis, rest is also important in initial phase. Visit your doctor immediately for the treatment and management of your fracture.