5 Causes of Wrist Pain You Should Never Ignore

Repetitive Movements and Overuse Injuries

Repetitive Movements and Overuse Injuries
Repetitive Movements and Overuse Injuries

Wrist pain is usually due to repetitive movements that trigger overuse injuries. Wrist overuse injuries include sprains and wrist tendonitis. Wrist tendonitis is caused by inflammation of the tendons that go into the wrist. It is triggered by continuous wrist motions without sufficient rest, which rub the structures against each other. These tendons allow your wrist to bend and turn the palm up. Wrist tendonitis can happen suddenly, or it can build up over time.

In most cases, it happens after a long period of repetitive motions. This can occur as a part of your work or exercise. For example, you’re more likely to overuse your wrists if you play sports, such as tennis, baseball, or golf. If you type a lot, the tendons in your wrist can get inflamed. People who work on the computer a lot, or do a lot of painting or carpentry, are also at risk.

The difficult part of wrist pain due to overuse injuries is that you probably won’t realize the damage is building up until you start experiencing symptoms. Once you do, the damage is difficult to reverse and is sometimes associated with nerve entrapment problems. Thus, prevention is key in these ailments to reduce the burden on your quality of life.