5 Causes of Wrist Pain You Should Never Ignore

Ganglion Cysts

Ganglion Cysts
Ganglion Cysts

Ganglion cysts are soft lumps filled with tissues and fluid that have grown on the wrist. These cysts don’t endanger a person’s health but can be painful. They are not cancer and do not spread like cancer does to other tissues.

Ganglion cysts form on tendons or muscles near joints. The cysts are firm when they first form and can change to soft lumps as the muscles or tendons around them weaken. The cysts often form where your fingers connect to your wrist, but they can also develop in other articulations.

Doctors don’t know why some people develop ganglion cysts, but they are characterized by the thickening of tendons and a thick fluid that fills an enclosed space. Ganglion cysts are more common as we age, but they can also appear in children. They rarely cause problems but are painful and aesthetically unpleasing.

You can also develop tumors and other types of growth in your wrists that trigger similar pain symptoms and nerve entrapment syndromes.