Ankle Pain Basics

Ankle Weakness and Instability

Ankle Weakness and Instability
Ankle Weakness and Instability

When your ankles are weak, they aren’t as stable as they should be, making you fall easily. It can be caused by many different factors, including:

  • Overuse injuries: If a person spends a lot of time in the same position, their muscles can become tense. Over time, this can cause the muscles and tendons to become weak. In the long term, you can also have an overuse injury if you do repetitive movements without a proper technique.
  • Age: As we age, our muscles can weaken and lose elasticity. This can also lead to ankle weakness and instability.
  • Injury: A previous injury can cause the muscles and tendons in the ankle to become weak. Even when such an injury is apparently healed, you can be left out with an unstable joint.