Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis): Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

What Causes Tennis Elbow?

What Causes Tennis Elbow?
What Causes Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a common condition that results from overuse of the muscles and tendons that attach to the outside of the elbow. The condition is seen more often in people who play racquet sports, such as tennis and racquetball, but can also occur in other activities that involve repetitive use of the forearm muscles.

The most common cause of tennis elbow is overuse of the muscles and tendons that attach to the outside of the elbow. These muscles and tendons are used to straighten out (extend) the arm. When they are used repeatedly in activities such as discussed below, they can become inflamed and irritated.

Tennis and other sports activities

Tennis elbow is a condition that can be caused by playing tennis and sports that requires repetitive use of hand and forearm muscles. The condition is a type of tendinitis, which is an inflammation of the tendon. Tennis elbow can cause pain and stiffness in the arm, and it may be difficult to move the arm. The condition is most often seen in people who play tennis, but it can also occur in people who do other activities that involve repetitive use of the arm.

The cause of tennis elbow is not completely understood, but it is thought that repeated use of the arm during tennis causes micro-tears in the tendon. This leads to inflammation and pain.

  • Racquetball – Playing racquetball is a common overuse injury that can lead to tennis elbow. Many people who play racquetball do not know how to properly swing a racquet and use their muscles, which can lead to pain and inflammation. When playing racquetball, you should use your arm muscles to power the swing, not your hand or wrist. You should also keep your swings short and fast for better accuracy.
  • Squash – Playing squash can be a cause of tennis elbow. The repeated use of the forearm muscles in this game can lead to inflammation and pain in the elbow.
  • Fencing – Playing fencing can cause tennis elbow. The repetitive motion of the arm and hand in striking the opponent with the foil can cause inflammation and pain on the outside of the elbow.
  • Golf – Golf is a common cause of tennis elbow. The repetitive motion of the golf swing can cause the muscles and tendons in the forearm to become inflamed and irritated. This can lead to pain and stiffness in the elbow joint.

Weight lifting

There are many potential causes of tennis elbow, one of which is weightlifting. When you lift weights, you put a lot of stress on your elbow joint. The repetitive motions involved in weightlifting can cause inflammation and micro-tears in the muscles and tendons around your elbow. This can lead to pain and tenderness around your elbow, as well as difficulty using your arm.

If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort from tennis elbow, be sure to avoid lifting heavy weights and other activities that aggravate the condition. You may also need to wear a brace or wrap to support your arm and reduce inflammation. See your doctor if the pain doesn’t improve after a few weeks of rest.


Carpentry is one of the many causes of tennis elbow. It affects the muscles and tendons that attach your forearm to your upper arm. The muscles and tendons become sore and swollen, making it difficult to extend your arm. Carpentry is a common cause of this condition because it requires repetitive use of the forearm muscles. Rest and physiotherapy are the first line treatments in this condition. See a doctor if the pain does not improve after a few weeks of self-care measures.


Tennis elbow is a common injury that can be caused by many things, including repetitive activities like typing. When you type, you use your fingers to move the keys, and your forearm to hold the mouse. This can lead to inflammation and pain in the area where the muscles and tendons meet at the elbow.

Stirring pots

Do you like to cook? Do you like to stir your pot ingredients around with a spoon or fork? If so, you might be at risk for developing tennis elbow – a condition that affects the muscles and tendons in the arm near the elbow. It is caused by overuse of these muscles and tendons, often from activities like stirring pots or using a screwdriver.

The best way to prevent tennis elbow is to avoid doing activities that put stress on these muscles and tendons. You can also wear a brace or wrap around your forearm to help support the muscles and tendons during cooking.


Painting may cause tennis elbow. It can be a source of overuse for these muscles and tendons. When painting, you may use your forearm to hold the brush, which can cause tension in the muscles and tendons. This tension can lead to tennis elbow. If you are experiencing pain in your forearm while painting, you may want to consider taking a break from painting until the pain subsides. You may also want to stretch the muscles and tendons in your forearm before beginning to paint. This can help reduce your risk of developing tennis elbow.


Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a common injury among sweepers who play racquet sports. Raking is a repetitive activity that can cause stress on the muscles and tendons around the elbow. This can lead to inflammation and pain. If you’re experiencing symptoms of tennis elbow, it’s best to stop raking and give your arm some time to rest. You may also need to ice your elbow and take anti-inflammatory medications to help reduce inflammation.


One activity that can cause tennis elbow is knitting. When knitting, the hands are held in a fixed position for an extended period of time. This can lead to tension and inflammation in the muscles and tendons in the forearm. To avoid this type of injury, take breaks often and switch positions frequently.

Fall on outstretched hand

Fall on outstretched hand can be a cause of tennis elbow. When you fall, your hand is outstretched and lands on the ground with a lot of force. This can cause injuries to the ligaments, muscles and tendons in your arm. The most common injury is tennis elbow, which is caused by overuse of the muscles and tendons in your arm.