Common Types Of Arthritis That Affect The Knee



Gout is an inflammatory joint pain that can cause a development of uric acid stones (monosodium urate crystals) in the knee joint. These needle-like, tiny crystals gather in the delicate tissue of the knee joint, causing pain, redness, and warmth – that can be unbearable.

Statistical data by the HSS show that 8.3 million people (6.1 million men and 2.2 million women) in the United States have gout. [4] Gout is perhaps the most painful types of joint condition. This condition is brought about by raised uric acid levels in the blood. Pain and other associated symptoms of gout happen when uric acid crystals collect in the joints and surrounded by the delicate tissue, causing an inflammatory reaction in the affected areas.

Pseudogout: Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition (CPPD)

Pseudogout is a sort of inflammatory joint pain that results from the development of calcium pyrophosphate crystals in the knee and other joints of the body. While more uncommon than gout, pseudogout most commonly affects the knee.

Like gout, pseudogout is brought about by deposition of tiny crystals in a joint and can cause redness, warmth, and intense pain of the knee joint. These tiny mineral stones are called calcium pyrophosphate crystals. Taking supplements that help reduce the levels of calcium in the blood can help ease pseudogout symptoms.