Diabetic Retinopathy: Symptoms, Causes, Types, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Stages, Treatment and Prevention

 Laser surgery

 Laser surgery
Laser surgery

Laser surgery can be helpful to seal off the leakage by the blood vessels surrounding the retina and inside the vitreous. The treatment through laser surgery can help to reduce the swelling of the retina. Laser surgery can also be helpful to shrink the blood vessels and prevent them to re-grow again. However, sometimes a patient might need more than just one treatment to cure the condition.

The course of treatment actually depends largely on the stage of diabetic retinopathy a person has and the severity of his or her condition. Following is the description of treatments in practice for both the stages of diabetic retinopathy:

Early diabetic retinopathy

If a person has a mild or moderate condition of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy then they might not need any treatment right away. However, the eye doctor or specialist will closely monitor the eyes to determine when the patient might need treatment. working with a specialist in diabetes known as an endocrinologist to find out if there are ways to progress the diabetes control and management. In addition, good blood sugar management in the milder or moderate stages of diabetic retinopathy can usually help to slow down the progression of its symptoms.