Everything You Need to Know About Osteoarthritis (OA)

Osteoarthritis Supplements

Osteoarthritis Supplements
Osteoarthritis Supplements

Supplements are used in order to amplify the effect of therapeutic medicines. These can be herbal remedies or vitamin capsules. For conditions like OA where the disease can be controlled by augmenting bone and cartilage health, the supplements are prescribed by the doctor to go with the other medicines. It is better to take supplements on prescription. The doctor can better identify the choice, dose and possible side effects. Some of the most commonly used are:


In our body, Glucosamine is synthesized as a chemical constituent of most proteins which conjugate with carbohydrates to form glycoproteins, making up bone, synovium cartilage and other connective tissues. It has anti-inflammatory properties, and it is good for the normal health of the joint structures.

Two formulas are used; Glucosamine sulfate and Glucosamine hydrochloride. Glucosamine sulfate has been subjected to more research and has shown better results than the other formula. The exogenous Glucosamine is derived from the exoskeleton of seashells. However, it is deemed safe for the people who have shellfish allergies. By and large, the effect of Glucosamine in OA patients was seen with reduction in the pain and decreased rate of progression of the disease. However, some studies show no significant improvement. The difference might be due to different formulas, and dosage etc.


It is another component of glycosaminoglycan which forms the joint matrix. Despite being a direct structural component of the joints, studies on the efficacy of chondroitin in OA show no promising results. It has been seen to reduce pain and even hamper the joint space narrowing when used with other medicines and supplements like aspirin for pain relief and Glucosamine supplements for joint structure. However, further research is required for chondroitin to be a good recommendation as a supplement.


This endogenous product of the liver naturally is a cartilage booster. It induces chondrocyte proliferation, helping in reversing the cartilage thinning in OA. It also helps in protecting the cartilage against the cytokine mediated damage.

The studies on the results of S-AMe have shown promising results. It has been seen to reduce pain and is much better tolerated in most patients than other drugs for OA.  However, it takes some time for the symptoms to abate.

A significant drawback of using this supplement is its cost. Other than this, it can interfere with sleep, cause headaches and nervousness, and also may have reaction with other drugs. This makes it a less favorable choice for regular use.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an active participant in contributing to bone health. The elderly population affected by OA is also at risk for osteoporosis and fractures due to immobility. 400 IU of vitamin D are recommended to be consumed 1-3 days in a week. A 4 year study has shown decreased cartilage thinning with vitamin D supplementation. It helps in reducing pain and improving functionality. A combined effect of vitamin C and D has proven to be more beneficial. In measured quantities, it is safe to consume.