Neck Pain Symptoms

Signs and Physical Exam Maneuvers

Signs and Physical Exam Maneuvers
Signs and Physical Exam Maneuvers

The physical exam is an integral part of the diagnosis. In the doctor’s office, you could receive a physical exam consisting of:

  • Observation: Your doctor may need to see you standing straight and walking to examine your shoulders and neck. Misaligned shoulders are a sign of a spinal problem, and sometimes, your doctor will be able to see inflammation and other abnormalities through your skin.
  • Palpation: This is also a fundamental step in the physical exam, and it is done to assess tenderness and to evaluate muscle tone. In some cases, palpation is enough to diagnose muscle tension, spasms, neck stiffness, and tightness. All of these are signs of muscle tissue alterations that usually improve with oral medication.
  • Nervous system exploration: Your doctor may also need to examine your nervous system’s integrity by examining your reflexes and sensations. Unusual sensations are analyzed using different tools applied directly to your skin, and reflexes in your forearms, triceps, and biceps are helpful in case of cervical nerve alterations.
  • Muscle power assessment: If your doctor suspects an alteration in the nervous system, you could be prompted to evaluate muscle function. Lifting weight or pushing against resistance can be useful to reveal signs of muscle weakness. There are sensory and motor nerves in the body, and they can be affected independently, causing a completely different disease in each case.