Tourette Syndrome: What Is It, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Tourette Syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a nervous system condition.  It leads to the people having “tics”. In tics, there are sudden movements, twitches, or sounds that most people experience repeatedly. People who experience tics cannot let their body to stop from doing such things. For instance, a person may make a murmuring sound unwillingly. Facing tics is sort of having hiccups. Even though you may not like to hiccup, the body does it ultimately. Most of the times people can make themselves stop from doing a tic for a moment, but it is tough. An individual has to do a tic eventually. Tourette syndrome might affect people of all ethnic and racial groups. Boys are affected almost three to five times more in comparison to girls. (1)

Tourette’s syndrome is such a situation in which clear or blink their throat again and again. Few people might speak unthinkingly words, they don’t need to say. Treatments might control tics, but most people don’t require any until their symptoms pretty disturb them. Around 100,000 Americans are facing full-scale Tourette’s syndrome, but various people face milder symptoms of such conditions. It sometimes begins in childhood and more boys in comparison to girls of having it. Symptoms sometimes get better as the kids grow up. For most people, they completely go away.

If you observe that your child is showing involuntary sounds or movements, go and visit your child’s pediatrician. Not all the tics show Tourette syndrome. Most children form tics that disappear on their own after some months or even weeks. But whenever a kid indicates unusual behavior, it’s essential to notice the rule out and cause of severe health conditions.  Studies that consist of children with diagnosis and those who didn’t diagnose yet with TS consist of approximately each of every 162 kids who have TS. While, in the United States, one of all 360 children 6 by 17 years who diagnose with tics, the basis on the report of a parent. This recommends that almost half of the children are not diagnosed with TS.

Tourette syndrome is one of the kind Tic disorder. Tics are repetitive, involuntary, vocalizations and movements. They are the essential symptoms of a childhood group of neurological conditions collectively known as Tic Disorders and are Tourette syndrome (TS) individually, Vocal Tic Disorder, Persistent (Chronic) Motor and Provisional Tic Disorder. These are the three Tic disorders that are named based on the kinds of tics that are present in (vocal, motor, phonic, or both) and by the time length that the tics are present.

Motor tics define as the movements of the body. Some examples of motor tics consist of jerking an arm, blinking, and shrugging your shoulders. While the vocal tics are the sounds that a person makes with her or his voice. Some examples of vocal tics consist of clearing the throat, humming, or yelling out any phrase or word. Tics can either be complex or simple. Simple tics consist of a few parts of the body. Examples are sniffing or squinting the eyes.