Understanding Gestational Diabetes: Symptoms, Causes, Diet and More

Gestational Diabetes Complications

Gestational Diabetes Complications
Gestational Diabetes Complications

Gestational diabetes that goes without careful management can lead to certain serious complications that can endanger the life of the mother and the growing fetus. The high blood sugar levels can cause issues for the mother and the baby including the increased risk of getting a C-section to deliver the baby.

Complications that might affect the baby

If the mother has gestational diabetes, your baby might be at increasing risk of having:

  • Increasing birth weight

Increasing the normal level of blood glucose in mothers might lead their babies to grow quite large. Very big babies that weigh around 9 pounds or more are likely to get wedged in the baby tube, have birth injuries or require a C-section birth.

  • Serious breathing problems

Babies born before time to mother having gestational diabetes might experience respiratory distress syndrome as well.

  • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
  • Stillbirth
  • Type 2 diabetes and obesity in life later