10 Natural Remedies For Hand Pain

Temperature Treatment

Temperature Treatment
Temperature Treatment

For many people who suffer from hand arthritis, ice and cold treatment is their main go-to method at home. It is also recommended for some cases of carpal tunnel syndrome, and ice is definitely helpful if you endured hand trauma and have active inflammation.

This type of treatment is simple, easy, and inexpensive. You can use a cold or hot compress, a bag of ice, or a damp towel in the microwave. In any case, it’s important to remember not to apply ice directly to your skin. Do not use ice for more than 20 minutes at a time, and if you had trauma recently, wrap the area with clean dressings and make sure a doctor evaluates your lesion before applying ice. Also, avoid a high temperature if you’re using heat. Warm temperatures work perfectly and won’t cause burns.

If you have one of the following conditions, talk to your doctor to check that ice therapy is appropriate for your hands:

  • If you are a patient with diabetes, cardiovascular issues, or circulation problems. In these cases, blood circulation may become reduced in your hands and feet, and ice would not be recommended.
  • If you have Raynaud’s syndrome or peripheral vascular disease. These ailments are also linked to poor circulation in your extremities.