15 Proven Health Benefits Of Sage Tea

Improves Mood

Improves Mood

Sage tea contains compounds that can help to alleviate anxiety and depression. In a recent study, participants who drank sage tea for four weeks reported feeling more positive and alert than those who didn’t drink the tea. (4)

The next time you’re feeling down, brew up a cup of this refreshing tea and enjoy the benefits of this ancient herbal remedy.

May have anticancer properties

Sage tea has long been used as a medicinal remedy for a variety of ailments, and new research suggests it may also have anticancer properties. In a recent study, scientists found that it was effective in killing cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

While detailed research is needed to confirm these findings, the results are promising and suggest that it could be an effective natural treatment for cancer. If you are interested in trying sage tea, be sure to consult with your doctor first to see if it is right for you.