Lymphoma cancer- Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Lymph fluid moves around the body through the series of vessels and lymph nodes that collectively make up the lymphatic system. Lymph fluid has white blood cells (WBCs) that help the body to fight against infections and play a vital role in the immune system.

The cancer of the lymphatic system is known as Lymphoma. It is a cancerous condition that causes the lymphocytes – a type of White Blood cells – to grow abnormally. There are almost 70 types of lymphoma that affect different parts of the lymphatic system that includes lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen, thymus, and bone marrow. Lymph nodes play a very important role in preventing the body from infections by acting as a filter to kill and capture bacterias and viruses. Lymphoma cancer has a very fast growth rate and spreads quickly to other organs and tissue of the body, including lungs, bone marrow, and liver. Lymphoma can occur at any age, but younger adults and children have more risk of developing this cancer.

Lymphoma cancer has two main types, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Some sub-types have a fast recovery rate and they are treatable if diagnosed at early stages. Its treatment depends on the stage, severity, and type of cancer. Treatment options for lymphoma can include bone marrow transplant, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy, or their combinations. In this article, you will know about the symptoms, causes, types, diagnosis, and treatment of lymphoma cancer.