20 Early Symptoms of Fibromyalgia You Should Never Ignore

These Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia Will Shock You Discover Now 

Fibromyalgia is a medical disorder in which patient experience intense musculoskeletal pain along with fatigue, mood issues and insomnia. Research has suggested that fibromyalgia increases painful sensations by influencing pain pathways in the brain.

Symptoms start appearing after surgery, infection or any stressful situation.  In other cases, symptoms can appear out of nowhere without any apparent cause. Women are more prone to develop fibromyalgia than men. While there is no definitive treatment for fibromyalgia, certain medications can help diminish symptoms. Exercise, yoga and stress-relaxing measures can help decrease pain and sleep problems.

Rigorous research has been done to find out causes of fibromyalgia. These may include:

  • Genetics.  This disorder tends to run in families. There may be certain genetic mutations that can make you more vulnerable to develop this disease.
  • Infections. Some infections and bacteria appear to increase probability of developing fibromyalgia.
  • Physical or emotional trauma. Fibromyalgia can be aggravated by physical trauma, such as a car accident.
  • Psychological stress: Any stressful circumstances can aggravate the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

The diagnosis of fibromyalgia is made by the physician through clinical evaluation because researchers have been unable to find any laboratory tests, radiographic studies, or biological markers to help them in making definitive diagnosis.

Pain and Tender Point

Pain and Tender Point
Pain and Tender Point
  • upper chest
  • dorsum of hand
  • elbow region
  • knees caps
  • hips
  • upper side of the shoulders

A person who has fibromyalgia do not complain about constant pain in those tender areas. The pain can be intermittent and migratory in natures. It means that it may move to different areas of the body. Over-the-counter pain medication such as acetaminophen are commonly advised by the physicians. Drugs such as milnacipran are the ones approved by The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They function by altering brain chemistry so pain levels can be mitigated.