Herpes: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Herpes Prevention

Herpes Prevention
Herpes Prevention

The following ways might aid in lowering the chance of passing or developing herpes:

  • Avoid sex during symptoms are present
  • Utilizing barrier protection such as condoms while having sex
  • Wash your hands frequently, especially after touching the affected site, while an outbreak
  • Avoiding oral sex and kissing when there is a cold sore surrounding your mouth

Therefore, an individual can buy condoms online as well as at many stores. Some individuals also find out that being tired, skin friction, stress, illness, and sunbathing might trigger repetitive symptoms. Examining and avoiding these triggers might aid in lowering the number of this disease outbreak. The best way to stop getting herpes is not to have sex with anyone who already has the virus. It might spread even when an individual who has it is not showing any signs and symptoms. If your partner is experiencing herpes, no way of assuming for sure will not get it. (7)

There is no time that is safe completely to have sex and do not spread herpes. If you are having herpes, you must share that with your sex partner. You must avoid having sex if you are having any sores. Herpes might spread from one individual to another quite easily when sores are occurring. You must utilize a condom every time while doing intercourse. They also aid in lowering the chance of spreading herpes. But it is possible to spread or have herpes still if you are utilizing a condom. If you come to know that you have herpes, try not to panic. There are some ways that you might stop it from leading to your partner and some other parts of your body.

  • Talk with your healthcare provider regarding herpes medication daily that might reduce the risks of spreading herpes
  • Do not have intercourse until your sores because you might spread an infection to the other body parts or other people. if you touch a sore, wash your hands with water and sore right after
  • Always utilize dental dams and condoms while anal, oral, and vaginal sex
  • Do not wet your contact lenses with spit, it might lead to oral herpes in your eyes
  • Always share with your sex partners that you are having herpes before you have sex, so you might work together to cure it from spreading
  • Do not do intercourse until your sores are completely gone and the scabs fall off and heal
  • If you are having a cold sore on the mouth, do not kiss any person especially, children, babies, or pregnant women
  • Learn how to explain when an outbreak is occurring and stop doing intercourse right when you observe these symptoms. you might feel itching, burning, or tingling feeling that let you know that you are about to have sores
  • Telling someone that you have an STD might be tough but herpes is quite common and does not lead to severe health conditions. So try not to be much stressed out or embarrassed about it