How To Prevent Back Pain

10 Recommendations To Keep a Healthy Back

10 Recommendations To |Keep a Healthy Back
10 Recommendations To Keep a Healthy Back

Regardless of the type of job you have, you can adopt these recommendations to maintain a healthy back for a longer time:

  • Keep your physical fitness: Exercising and strengthening your back are fundamental to protecting the vertebrae. Thus, physical fitness is much more than aesthetics. If you want to care for your back, try to be regular with aerobic exercise. You can also benefit from activities such as swimming and brisk walking.
  • Try back exercises at home: A good thing about back exercises is that you don’t really need heavy and expensive machinery or a gym to exercise your back. In a home exercise program with little to no equipment, you can easily adopt a few back exercises such as push-ups against the floor or against the wall if you’re not the fitness type. Elastic bands are also excellent if you want to exercise your back home. Besides exercising your back, other support muscles in your core are also important to prevent back pain. For example, your abdominal muscles, which are easily tackled by crunches.
  • Keep a healthy weight: It is also essential to stay at a healthy weight. If you’re overweight or obese, all that extra weight is constantly loading on your lumbar vertebrae. They slowly give in and start undergoing degeneration. Then, a herniated disc and other pathologies may arise. So, maintaining a healthy weight is always a good idea as long as you achieve your goals through a healthy diet and exercise. We don’t recommend starving diets and miracle supplements and advise you to talk to your doctor about it if you want to stay lean.