Natural Home Remedies For Lower Leg Pain

Elevate Your Leg

Elevate Your Leg
Elevate Your Leg

Another recommendation for your lower leg pain is to elevate your affected leg, especially if you have edema or liquid retention. Elevating your leg can also help with pain and contribute to sleep. It works if your main symptoms are a sensation of weight in your legs, swelling, and dull pain. In such cases, liquid retention is very likely, and elevating your legs will help your blood get back to the heart faster.

The veins in your lower legs have valves made up of muscles that push blood toward the heart against gravity. But sometimes those valves are affected by injury, age-related conditions, or an overload of blood when there’s inflammation in your legs. You can help them do their work by keeping your heels on a higher level than your knees when you’re not standing or sitting.