What Is Astigmatism? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Tips for Astigmatism Prevention

Tips for Astigmatism Prevention
Tips for Astigmatism Prevention

Most medical conditions, with the exception of hereditary diseases, can be prevented if sufficient care is taken. Astigmatism is one such condition. Astigmatism is a form of refractive error that can be inherited or acquired. Astigmatism of the former kind is unavoidable, but prevention of the later type is possible and requires good care of the eyes. Good eye care can reduce the need for future astigmatism treatment. A good eye care regimen is also closely linked to prevention of other conditions of the eye and refractive errors, such as myopia and hyperopia. Astigmatism can be avoided by following these tips. (9)

Avoid eye strain and stress

Eye strain is the biggest enemy, as it easily leads to misaligned vision, especially refractive errors. The three types of eye errors (myopia. hypermetropia, and astigmatism) listed above are all highly associated with eye strain caused by excessive use of the eyes.

An excessive amount of eye strain can lead to faster wear and tear on the eyes, which may eventually damage them. Even subtle activities like watching television and reading materials should be given enough attention by all individuals. Intermittent rest is recommended during these ordinary activities requiring visual concentration. Taking breaks from visual tasks can relieve the strain on the eyes.

Read in an appropriate lighting environment

During reading, it is also important to provide appropriate light to the eyes. Too much or too little light should be avoided when reading. Despite being powerful and advanced, the eyes are capable of adapting to varying degrees of darkness and brightness. Such compensation, however, would cause the eyes to get stressed and strained more quickly and easily. Excessive light perception is more likely to cause eye strain than the dim light environment. A poor lighting situation can impair one’s vision. Newspapers and books, in particular, should not be read in dim lighting.

Avoid eye rubbing

You should never rub your eyes under any circumstances. While it may be difficult to control the impulse to rub or scratch anything that itches, doing so can help protect the eyes from any possible damage. There may be some doubts about the effect of this tip on astigmatism prevention. Actually, astigmatism is a result of a corneal irregularity, more specifically an abnormal corneal surface. The cornea can be damaged or its irregularity can be induced by excessive eye rubbing.

Some other tips

To prevent astigmatism, eating healthy foods rich in vision-beneficial substances is essential, such as zeaxanthin, lutein, and vitamins (A, C, and B complex). Fruit and vegetables are among the best foods to consume to get these substances. Further, many eye care practitioners suggest that daily eye exercises are helpful in preventing refractive errors (already discussed some important ones in detail). There are even some studies that prove they improve vision.