What Is Gonorrhea? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

How Do You Prevent Gonorrhea?

How Do You Prevent Gonorrhea?
How Do You Prevent Gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea spreads through the transmission of sexual fluids including semen, vaginal fluids, and pre-cum. Therefore, the best way to prevent gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is to abstain from having oral, vaginal, or anal sex at all. However, a majority of people engage in sexual activity at a certain point in their lives, so it is safer to know how to have sex with all the precautionary measures. Also, the use of protection whenever you have sex actually helps to reduce your chances of getting gonorrhea or any other STD. getting regular tests for gonorrhea or other STDs is also a useful way to maintain your safety and health.

If you find out that you are suffering from gonorrhea, do not panic. It is possible to avoid gonorrhea and cure it completely. There are a few ways to ensure you do not spread it to other people and these include:

  • Inform your present and past sexual partners that you have a diagnosis of gonorrhea, so they also go for testing and treatment for gonorrhea
  • Do not have sex with just anyone until you completely finish your treatment course
  • Your sex partners must opt for complete treatment before they have sex with you or anyone
  • Your sex partners must also need treatment before they engage in any sexual activity with anyone including yourself
  • Once you complete your treatment and begin to have sex again, it is still a good idea to wear condoms every time you involve in oral, vaginal, or anal sex

Here are some tips you can follow to decrease your risk of getting gonorrhea infection:

  • Avoid having casual sex and abstain from having multiple sexual encounters
  • Try to keep a long-term and healthy mutually monogamous sexual relationship with only one partner who does not have a history of gonorrhea infection and who has negative test results for gonorrhea
  • Practice safe sex by wearing condoms in a regular and correct manner
  • Inform your partner if you have any prior history of gonorrhea infection or had treatment for gonorrhea
  • Abstain from sexual intercourse until your partner and you yourself undergo a complete gonorrhea treatment

If you think that you might be suffering from gonorrhea infection, you can go for HIV screening or a sexual health screening at private clinics, hospitals, and polyclinics. Although sharing the news of gonorrhea diagnosis is not that fun. But the gonorrhea infection is actually common and you can heal completely with proper treatment so there is no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed about it. Therefore, once a person gets over with the conversation with their sexual partner, they both can get treatment and get on with their lives. However, if your treatment is still ongoing, abstinence or staying away from sex is the best way to avoid or treat gonorrhea. a pro tip is that you must make sure that you are carrying an extra condom every time you have sex. Making sure that you and your partner seek proper treatment and a follow-up health care visit even if the symptoms subside is another effective way of avoiding gonorrhea.