15 Impressive Benefits of Sodium

Important for nerve conduction

Sodium is an essential electrolyte for human health and is required for nerve conduction. A diet that includes adequate sodium is important for maintaining a healthy nervous system and proper fluid balance in the body. A lack of sodium can lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and impaired nerve function. Most people get enough sodium from their diet, but those who sweat a lot or have certain medical conditions may need to take supplements to maintain optimal nerve function. (2)

 Prevent muscle cramps

When it comes to preventing muscle cramps, sodium is key. This mineral is essential for proper muscle function and fluid balance in the body. Without enough sodium, muscles cannot contract properly and may cramp up.

To prevent muscle cramps, make sure you’re getting enough sodium in your diet. The recommended daily intake is 2,300 mg for adults. Good sources include table salt, canned soups and vegetables, processed meats, and cheese. If you’re sweating a lot or losing a lot of sodium through urine or diarrhea, you may need to increase your intake even more. Drinking plenty of fluids and eating salty foods can help replenish lost sodium and prevent muscle cramps.