Osteopenia (Low Bone Density): Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Diet & Treatment

Muscle Strengthening Exercises

Muscle strengthening exercises
Muscle strengthening exercises

Your muscles are an essential factor actually in the health of your bone. The muscular and skeletal systems are intertwined tightly. The best mechanical forces in the bones are such forms by muscle contractions. And these muscle contractions situation your bone strength, density, and micro-architecture (the internal bone structure). Muscle strengthening activities are also called resistance exercises or activities where you move your body, work against resistance or weight. Non-impact activities such as core, posture, and balance exercises are helpful too. Therefore, they are not as effective in increasing or maintaining bone density. To aid in maintaining skeletal strength, it is essential to remain active, consisting through older life. Exercise aids your body to lower the decline in bone mass that links with aging. (6)