Osteopenia (Low Bone Density): Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Diet & Treatment

Osteopenia Medications

Osteopenia Medications
Osteopenia Medications

Doctors might not prescribe medication unless an individual’s condition progresses to osteopenia. If an individual having osteopenia is suffering from bone fracture already, therefore, doctors might not recommend medication. Medication might consist of a class of drugs known as bisphosphonates that perform by stopping the reabsorption of bone. For individuals whose density of bone progresses to the osteopenia level, doctors might recommend a medication like hormone replacement therapy (HRT). (7)

In a few cases, particularly if you have broken a bone already, your doctor might recommend medicine to reduce the risk for osteoporosis and to cure more fractures. Medications that might cure osteopenia or cure osteoporosis consist of:

  • Bisphosphonates

These medications might reduce the natural process of your body for breaking down your bone. You might keep the level of bone you have or get a big boost of bone density. Bisphosphonates are the important drugs that doctors utilize to cure and prevent osteoporosis in women having postmenopausal. They consist of ibandronic acid (Boniva), alendronic acid (Fosamax), zoledronic acid (Reclast), and risedronic acid (Actonel). Most bisphosphonates are medicines you take normally once a month or once a week. But reclast comes in the form of injection, normally once a year.

  • Teriparatide (Forteo)

It is a medicine that acts just like a hormone formed by your parathyroid glands. It is the first medication that helps your body to form new bones. You can take it daily as an injection under your skin.

  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT):

Once an amazing treatment to cure bone loss, doctors use it rarely for that because studies find that it makes people more likely to form blood clots in their lungs and legs, along with some other health conditions as well. most of the time, if hormone replacement aids a woman regarding menopause symptoms, their doctor might suggest that they keep forming it for loss of bone too. Talk to your healthcare provider to check if you might consider such therapy or not.

  • Raloxifene (Evista)

This medicine can treat and prevent osteopenia and osteoporosis. It might also reduce the risk of having breast cancer but scientists require more research to know that. It is a tablet you take each time a day.

One of these medicines has its possible risks and side effects, so be sure you talk with your healthcare provider about how they might impact you before you start taking them. Doctors most commonly utilize medications to aid in treating and preventing bone diseases in individuals diagnosed with osteopenia and osteoporosis by slowing down the bone mass loss any treatment must be performed on slowing down the disorder’s progress naturally. While they might be beneficial medicines for the disorders of bone still are not a total cure mostly as the condition needs to get worse by your age. (8)

Many classes of medication that might be useful for slowing the progress of bone disorder consist of:

  • Anabolic medications mostly the kind known as teriparatide
  • Bisphosphonate medications consist of ibandronate, alendronate, zoledronic acid, and risedronate. One most occurring brand name is Fosamax.