Plantar Fasciitis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Home Remedies and Treatments

Plantar fasciitis Common Causes

Plantar fasciitis Common Causes
Plantar fasciitis Common Causes

Plantar fasciitis does not typically occur due to heel spurs. According to the past ideas by medical scientists, heel spurs result in pain in the case of people suffering from plantar fasciitis but that is not the case. In fact, plantar fasciitis tends to develop due to the overuse or overstretching of the plantar fascia ligament in the foot. However, small tears or a tear only in the fascia tissue can also lead to pain in your feet. The foot structure of humans can also predispose a person to get plant fasciitis. The word “fasciitis” means inflammation of the plantar fascia ligament while “plantar” refers to the sole of the feet. (5)

Almost two million people with the condition of plantar fasciitis get their treatments every year. That refers to the most commonly occurring cause of heel or foot pain globally. Plantar fasciitis is quite common among athletes and especially among runners. The repetitive movement of pushing off with feet can cause tear or injury to the fascia tissues located in the sole of the feet. Active women and men between the ages of 40 and 70 years are at an increased risk of getting plantar fasciitis. Interestingly, the condition is more common among women as compared to men.

Women who are expecting often go through episodes of plantar fasciitis especially during later trimesters of pregnancy. The anatomy of the plantar fascia allows it to effectively absorb the high strains and stresses that we place on our feet during everyday life. However, sometimes, too much strain tears or damages the tissues of fascia. As body’s natural response to any injury is inflammation, it results in stiffness and heel pain as a result of plantar fasciitis. Too much stretching as well excessive pressure can tear, inflame, or damage the plantar fascia tissues. Unfortunately, there is no definite cause for some patients with plantar fasciitis. However, some of the following causes make it more likely to develop plantar fasciitis:


Athletes are the most common victims of foot injuries especially plantar fasciitis. It happens more often with those running in their sport. In fact, plantar fasciitis is quite common in running that it goes by the nickname “Runner’s Heel.” Plantar fasciitis is an injury that refers to a sharp pain in the arch of the foot and in the heel which completely disrupts the practicing and overall performance of an athlete. Athletes who run or jump frequently are quite famous for developing plantar fasciitis due to the constant wear and tear of the plantar fascia ligaments. Athletes such as baseball players, runners, basketball players, soccer players, and football players are at higher risk of developing plantar fasciitis.