Type 4 diabetes consists of various of the similar symptoms as other diabetes types, therefore, because it happens generally in individuals having an optimal weight, doctors might not suspect diabetes type 4. Most common symptoms consist of:
▪ Blurry vision
▪ Fatigue
▪ Increasing hunger
▪ Frequent urination
▪ Increasing thirst
▪ Unintentional loss of weight
▪ Sores that do not heal
▪ Having dry skin
▪ Feeling quite tired
▪ Having more infection than other diseases
▪ Losing weight without even trying
▪ Numbness
Many of such symptoms are also linked to other situations and might not show diabetes always. It is a great idea to make a schedule with your medical professional if you have been experiencing any kind of such symptoms. A doctor might review such symptoms and perform any tests they think they are requiring. If prediabetes was simple to detect, you must not have individuals go years and years before having diagnosis with diabetes type 2. Normally, adults experience few symptoms or not, or the insulin resistance symptoms are so slight or gradual they might go without noticing for a lot of years. Sometimes, therefore, there are alarming signs. These consist of:
- Unexplained loss of weight, even when eating a lot
- Fatigue
- Itchy skin
- Recurring infections
- Increased anxiety, nervousness and irritability
- Wounds that do not heal fastly
- Odd sensations such as numbness, tingling, burning or pain in your extremities
The last symptoms occur because excessive sugar in the blood stimulates your body to form more urine in order to remove the glucose out. The more you urinate, the more you are getting dehydrates that might lead to a cycle of increasing thirst signals and hunger. Diabetes symptoms men undergo sexual problems such as decreased sex drive and erectile dysfunction (ED) as well. Therefore, most people have no symptoms of prediabetes, sometimes for years. Prediabetes might be invisible until it forms into diabetes type 2. Few people having prediabetes might experience:
- Small skin growths, skin tags
- Darkening skin in the back, armpits and the sides of your neck, known as acanthosis nigricans
- Eye changes that might lead to diabetic retinopathy