15 Proven Health Benefits Of Soursop

15 Proven Health Benefits of Soursop

Soursop is a delicious tropical fruit that looks like a cross between a pineapple and a strawberry. It has a pleasant, sweet-sour flavor and an interesting spiky exterior. Originating in Central America, it is now widely cultivated throughout the tropics and subtropics for its juicy white flesh. This fruit can be eaten as is or juiced, added to smoothies, or used to make jams and jellies.

15 Proven Health Benefits of Soursop
15 Proven Health Benefits of Soursop

Soursops Nutrition Facts;

Soursops aren’t just tasty – they are also incredibly nutritious. This exotic fruit packs an impressive nutritional punch per serving: it contains high levels of Vitamin C, B vitamins, copper, iron, and magnesium as well as plenty of dietary fiber and antioxidants. It also provides valuable anti-inflammatory compounds such as quercetin, rutin, and kaempferol which may help support overall health in various ways. Here’s what you need to know about the nutrition facts of this delicious superfood.

 A 100g of soursop has (1)
Calories 402
Carbohydrates 1.3 g
Proteins 25 g
Fats 33 g
Cholesterol 105 mg
Sodium 621 mg
Potassium 98 mg
Vitamin C 0% of RDA*
Vitamin B6 5% of RDA
Iron 3% of RDA
Magnesium 7% of RDA

*RDA = Recommended daily intake