Alkaline Water: Benefits, Side Effects, and Dangers

What Is Alkaline Water and What Are the Benefits?

What Is Alkaline Water and What Are the Benefits?

According to recent studies, drinking alkaline water can have impressive health benefits. This is a water with a higher than normal pH level. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral, 8 to 14 being alkaline, and 0 to 6 being acidic. Most tap water has a neutral pH of 7.

While the body is designed to maintain a slightly alkaline pH level, many factors can contribute to acidity, including diet, stress, and exposure to environmental toxins. When the body’s pH rises or it becomes too acidic, it can lead to inflammation, which can lead to a variety of health problems. Drinking alkaline water has been shown to help neutralize acid in the body and promote better overall health.

Helps with detoxification

There are some insane health benefits of alkaline water, including its ability to help with detoxification. It helps to neutralize acid in the body, which can lead to improved overall health.

Acid build-up in the body can cause a number of health problems, including fatigue, joint pain, and indigestion. Drinking alkaline water can help to reduce acidity in the body and improve overall health. It is also believed to help with absorption of nutrients from food and supplements.

Aids in weight loss

If you’re trying to lose weight, alkaline water may be a helpful addition to your diet. Some research suggests that it boosts metabolism and helps the body burn fat more effectively. (2)

One small study found that it increased energy expenditure and fat oxidation in overweight women. Another study looked at the effects of alkaline water on obese people with type 2 diabetes. After 8 weeks, those who drank alkaline water had significant reductions in body fat, waist circumference, and triglycerides. These studies suggest that it may be beneficial for weight loss, but more research is needed. If you’re interested in trying it, talk to your doctor first to see if it’s right for your health.