Ankle Sprain Prevention

How To Prevent Systemic Causes of Ankle Pain

How To Prevent Systemic Causes of Ankle Pain
How To Prevent Systemic Causes of Ankle Pain

Systemic causes of ankle pain include gout, and different types of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis. Sometimes these conditions are associated with a genetic predisposition. In other cases, there are things we can do to prevent these problems. Since they are chronic conditions, the best preventative measures include the following:

  • Scheduling a visit with your doctor to run a few tests and detect potential problems early on.
  • Eating healthily and trying to avoid inflammatory foods and drinks, including processed foods, sugary foods and drinks, and saturated fats.
  • Using anti-inflammatory and antioxidant herbs and supplements such as turmeric, ginger, black pepper, echinacea, aloe vera, and vitamin C.
  • Exercising regularly to promote healthy joints and muscles.