Everything You Need to Know About Chronic Pain Syndrome, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Chronic pain syndrome is a poorly understood body condition that causes local or generalized body pain that remains long after an injury or illness or injury has recovered. Unlike episodes of acute pain, this condition won’t go away and may persist for as long as several weeks to months. The pain in this condition lasts longer than six months, and it is usually accompanied by other associated symptoms such as depression, anxiety, depression, anxiety, anger, disability, and loss of sexual desire.

Chronic pain syndrome may develop secondary to conditions that involve long-term pain, such as certain cancers, chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, stroke, inflammatory bowel disease, and fibromyalgia. Experts are not yet clear why and how these conditions are related to chronic pain syndrome. Interestingly, pain can even occur when there is no apparent cause or known trigger for chronic pain. According to the statistics, chronic pain affects some 25 million Americans and millions of people around the globe.