Genital Herpes: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Stages, Treatment & Home Remedies

Genital Herpes Symptoms (Man and woman)

Genital Herpes Symptoms (Man and woman)
Genital Herpes Symptoms (Man and woman)

The initial symptom of genital herpes that you are likely to observe is the swelling of the skin on the genital areas which might itch or burn. The symptoms often occur within one or two weeks after getting in contact with the infected person. As the genital herpes episode advances, ulcers and blisters start developing. However, when the symptoms start to subside, the ulcers turn into scans which then disappear gradually. [2]

Typical symptoms of genital herpes that appear during the early stages include the following:

Itching or burning sensation in the genital area

In the starting stages of genital herpes outbreak, a person might experience a burning, itching, or tingling sensation on his or her genitals. As the symptoms progresses, the blisters form and they cause cessation of itching sensation. The blisters start to become painful rather than tingling. Genital herpes is different for every person. The symptoms may come again on off and on basis for several years. Some people suffer from numerous episodes every year. For many years, the outbreaks are less recurrent as time passes. During a recurrence of genital herpes outbreak, shortly before the appearance of sores you might feel pain in lower back, legs, and buttock. However, recurrences are typically less painful than the original outbreak as the sores generally heal more rapidly.