Hip Pain Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Exercises, Relief & Prevention

Hip Pain Prevention

Hip Pain Prevention
Hip Pain Prevention

The hip is one of the most essential joints in our body which is why it is important to cure hip injuries. The hip plays a beneficial function to support your body weight while moving and standing, so living with pain in the hip might hinder an individual’s life quality significantly. Sustaining healthy hips with the preventive tips of hip injury might lower the risk of having osteoarthritis and normal wear and tear hip pain which is the main cause of hip replacement surgery. Following are some preventive tips to avoid hip injury and preserve your hips:

  • Practice correct posture

Some of the largest stress on your joints that sometimes goes unnoticed is our positioning in everyday activities. Develop standing habits and good sitting to lower strain and stress on ligaments and muscles that might affect your hip joints negatively. Practice sitting with feet flat and legs uncrossed on the floor. Sit while your back is straight, shoulders back and your hips touching your backseat. While standing, avoid leaning primary and keep feet shoulder-width apart to each side of your body. Pull your belly in and put your weight on the balls of the feet mostly.

  • Sustain a healthy weight

Maintaining your normal range of weight is significant for saving your hips from any kind of pain. The hip joint maintains forces up to 3 to 6 times the weight of the body. The amount of weight you put on your buttocks will impact the amount of pain you are suffering, so losing a few pounds might give you such relief. Couple regular exercise with a balanced diet to keep your body weight at a healthy range for your joints.

  • While sleeping, cushion knees and hips

The way you sleep might sometimes add additional stress to your joints. Changing your sleep positions might give you sudden relief to your hips. For instance, if you are a sleeper side, try sleeping on the back. Therefore, to sustain healthy positioning of the hip while side sleeping, put a pillow or cushions between your knees to lower stress over your hips. Utilize a body wedge below your hip for more support. Therefore, if you are sleeping on your back mostly, put a pillow or cushion below your knees to aid with good spine alignment. Trochanteric bursitis might affect your sleeping significantly.

  • Stretch and warm up before and after a workout

Hip injury sometimes occurs when individuals do not take the proper time to cool down and warm up before and after exercise.

  • Wear supportive, comfortable shoes

Make it a concern to wear supportive, comfortable shoes that fit your foot correctly to protect your hips from any sort of pain and injury. Search for shoes having proper cushioning to soak up shock to lower the effect on your joints. Better arch support also is essential to spread the weight on your feet in return reducing the strain on your hips and lower limbs. If you are having a problem selecting a shoe, go for advice from a jogging or an athletic training expert. (10)