What Is Kidney Disease?

Drugs Used Commonly

Drugs used commonly
Drugs used commonly

Most drugs, without confusing two names: doctor’s name and the name of the company. For instance, Ciclosporin’s trade name is Neoral. A doctor normally calls the real name of the medicine or drug. Some medications are in the following:

Antibiotics to treat hemodialysis infections

  • Vancomycin
  • Gentamicin

Note: mostly given as each dose injection, then the blood levels require to be measured.

Antibiotics after kidney transplantations

  • Isoniazid (aids in preventing tuberculosis)
  • Amphotericin (aids in preventing fungal infection)
  • Co-trimoxazole (helps in preventing a kind of pneumonia known as pneumocystis or CDC or PCP

Note: Taking these medicines might mostly stop 6 months post-transplant.

Antibiotics to cure peritonitis

  • Vancomycin
  • Gentamicin
  • Ciprofloxacin

Note: mostly provide a course, either in dialysis fluid or intravenously; then the blood levels require getting measure.

  • Vitamin D tablets
  • Paricalcitol
  • Calcitrol
  • Alfacalcido

