20 Best Natural Home Remedies For Knee Pain

Getting a massage

Getting a massage
Getting a massage

Massages including self-massage are great for relieving knee pain. Massaging helps greatly in reducing the stiffness of muscles and relieving the knee pain. [2] According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), following are some self-massage tips that you can easy follow along at home to relieve knee pain:

  • Close your hands loosely into fists and try to tap the lower, middle, and upper thigh for 10 times with each hand and repeat for three times.
  • Come in a seated position with your feel flat on the ground, try placing the heel of one hand on the upper thigh and slide it as far as the knee can slide, then release. Do this massage for 4 to 6 times.
  • Try pressing your palm into the knee and go up and down for five times and repeat it all around the knee.
  • By placing the palm of your hand on the upper thigh, slide it down the thigh and then over the knee. Repeat it 5 to 6 times.