Symptoms of COPD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disorder that obstructs the airway passages and makes it difficult for the person to breathe. Major symptoms include dyspnea, chronic cough, excessive phlegm production and wheezing. Prolonged exposure to irritative chemicals like cigarette smoke can cause COPD. People with COPD are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular issues, lung cancer and other respiratory infections
COPD is further divided into two conditions: Emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Chronic bronchitis involves inflammation of bronchial mucosa which carries oxygen to and from the air sacs. Major symptoms involve daily cough and excessive mucus (sputum) production.
Emphysema is a lung disorder in which the lung alveoli are destroyed as a result of exposure to smoke and other irritative substances.
COPD is a chronic inflammatory disease that causes the blockage of airway passages makes it very difficult for the person to breathe. It is important that this disease is diagnosed at the early stage as condition of the patient only gets worse with time. Without treatment, COPD can be fatal for the patient.
According to the WHO, the Global Burden of Disease Study stated that 251 million people are suffering from COPD all around world. Research also revealed that 3.17 million people die of COPD each year all around the globe.
COPD cannot be treated completely but adequate symptomatic treatment can improve quality of life of the patient. With proper treatment, most of the symptoms of COPD can be controlled effectively.