Everything You Need to Know About Alcoholism – Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Diagnosis,Risk Factors,Complications and Treatments

Social Factors

Social factors are said to contribute to a person’s view of drinking alcohol. Your religion, culture, family, and environment at the workplace influence many of your emotional behaviors, including drinking. According to studies, the family plays the most significant role in a person’s likelihood of drinking alcohol and even developing alcoholism. Children who are regularly exposed to alcohol abuse are more at risk of developing a dangerous drinking pattern.

Starting a new job or college can also make a person more susceptible to alcohol abuse. During these times, people are looking to develop relationships with peers and make new friends. The desire to be well-liked and fit in may cause a person to participate in such activities that he or she normally wouldn’t partake in. The possible social signs in this situation might be drinking more frequently, heading to every company happy hour, and craving alcohol after a long workday.