Ocular Migraine: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Ocular Migraine Triggers

Ocular Migraine Triggers
Ocular Migraine Triggers

Living with ocular migraine can be as stressful as anything can trigger ocular migraine. Some of the triggers are listed below: (5)


The carcinogens present in the tobacco can harm the body in many ways which can trigger ocular migraine in patients. The nicotine present in tobacco damages the cells present around the arteries thinning the arteries and capillaries around the eye and brain, which makes it difficult for blood to reach smaller areas which can trigger aura and ocular migraine. Research has proved that smoking damages the Retinal fiber layer which can trigger ocular migraine.


High stress levels can trigger ocular migraine. People continuously suffering from high stress and anxiety level undergo changes in different parts of the brain as well as the chemicals and electrical changes are also more frequent in people suffering from stress which can trigger migraine.

High blood pressure

Ocular migraine and high levels of blood pressure are interlinked. People with higher systolic pressure are more likely to experience ocular migraines. People suffering from high systolic pressure and migraine are more likely to suffer from vision impairments as well as stroke. People with high blood pressure also have inconsistent blood flow rate which damages the arteries which often triggers ocular migraine.


Low hydration levels can trigger migraines. In a hotter environment, a lot of electrolytes along with fluids are lost through sweat and urination. Moreover, due to the lack of presence of necessary fluid in the body the body tissues also start to shrink making it difficult for blood to reach different areas of the body. This process can seriously affect the vision in some people.


Alcohol contains ethanol, which can trigger inflammation in the body. High amounts of alcohol can trigger ocular migraine within thirty minutes after consumption. In a survey, 36.5% people complained that alcohol initiates an ocular migraine. Moreover, another byproduct of alcohol produced in the body is called congener which is also responsible for triggering migraine.

Bright lights

The vasoconstriction and vasodilation can also cause inflammation in the arteries surrounding retina and brains. Any exposure to bright and fluorescent light can cause irritation in the eye as well increasing the risk of ocular migraine. Increased exposure to mobile and TV screens has also made ocular migraine more frequent.

Pungent smells

Ocular migraine makes the person more hyper sensitive towards different senses. 95% of people with an ocular migraine complained about smells triggering their migraine. Foods, vehicle smokes, cigarette smoke and strong perfume smell can trigger an ocular migraine.

Loud noise

Loud noise can cause vibration in the inner part of the ear. In case of increased inflammation, the cells are hyper-active, resulting in more vibrations which can easily trigger ocular migraine. It is very difficult for people to work and carry normal household work because of loud noise.

High exertion exercise

High exertion exercise can increase the blood pressure increasing the flow of blood around the eyes and brain. This can give rise to inflammation around the eyes, resulting in an ocular migraine.