What Do You Want to Know About Meningitis? Discover Now !!

Loss of Appetite

Loss of Appetite

Nausea, occasional vomiting and stomach upset due to meningitis can be mistaken for the common flu or heartburn that affects the gut and cause loss of appetite. Meningitis is often not detected early due to similar symptoms brought on by common flu and several types of meningitis. However, the loss of appetite and deficiency of vital nutrients can lead to unhealthy weight loss. An affected person may also experience a lack of vital minerals and vitamins the body needs to be healthy.

If you have a loss of appetite associated with meningitis, it’s important to periodically attempt to eat nutrient-dense food. A healthy diet provides sustenance and can help stimulate your immune system to fight infection. It can be very hard to get infants to feed and children to eat. In severe cases, hospitalization is needed not just due to the underlying infection, but the effect and complications meningitis can have on your body. One of the best ways to stay hydrated is to drink plenty of fluids or get intravenous fluids administered at a hospital. Additional fluids, rich in salts and nutrients are given at the hospital to counter the effect of reduced appetite.