15 Fantastic Health Benefits Of Figs (Anjeer)

10- Figs Regulate Blood Sugar

Figs Regulate Blood Sugar
Figs Regulate Blood Sugar

Figs have been a traditional staple in many diets since ancient times. Not only are they incredibly delicious, but they may also help regulate blood sugar levels. A new study has revealed that consuming them can help reduce the risk of diabetes due to their high fiber content and vitamin C content.

The research was conducted on a group of volunteers with pre-diabetic conditions. The results showed that those who ate figs had lower fasting blood glucose levels than those who did not. This could be attributed to the fact that they contain both soluble and insoluble fibers which slow down digestion, thereby allowing for more gradual absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. Furthermore, Vitamin C helps to increase insulin sensitivity which assists in regulating blood sugar levels as well. (5)