20 Invisible Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms That Require Immediate Attention

Low Energy

Do you lack energy or feeling fatigued quickly? One of the significant symptoms of magnesium deficiency is low energy and fatigue. Since your body cells rely on essential minerals to function correctly, it should come as no surprise that feeling of tiredness is a direct result of a mineral deficiency.

Several studies have shown that low levels of magnesium have been linked to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. It can also open the pathways for more free radical and toxic damage to your body. When your body is working to neutralize these stressors, you will have less cellular energy to carry on routine activities. At this point, the fatigue and general body weakness will kick right in.

Consult your physician to get your magnesium levels checked. If this is the cause, replace the lost levels with transdermal, oral or injectable magnesium sulfate.