30 Most Common Symptoms & Effective Treatment Of Ulcerative Colitis You Should Never Ignore


Since there is currently no cure for ulcerative colitis, it is a top priority to avoid symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, cramping, and rectal pain, tiredness, and fever. Diet could be a natural way of keeping them at bay.

Here are some foods that doctors, nutritionists and the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation say are the best foods to eat if you’re not in a flare-up and want to stay like that.


While for most people, a high-fiber diet is prescribed and can help prevent flare-ups of Crohn’s disease, studies show that it does not have the same effect on ulcerative colitis. High fiber intake enhances the movement of your intestine, which can cause troublesome symptoms.

Nonetheless, you still need to get fuel from your carbohydrates, so go for oatmeal, which can help prevent flare-ups.