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Alternative Diarrhea and Constipation

Diarrhea is one of the most prevalent infection flares. If you have inflammation in the small or large intestine that can arise in Crohn’s disease, it is more likely to be watery. Diarrhea can be painful if the swelling is in the large intestine. It is a risk factor of discomfort or incontinence.

63% of Crohn’s disease respondents and 38% of ulcerative colitis respondents reported diarrhea at some point in a year-long survey. It was the most common symptom that occurred during a flare, occurring in more than 84% of respondents.

Alternative diarrhea and constipation can be a symptom that may develop secondary to IBD complications or as a side effect of drugs you are taking. In particular, an anal fissure or stricture may result in constipation. It can also be caused by opioid pain relievers and iron supplements.