Alopecia Areata (Symptoms, Causes, Types, Treatment, and Home Remedies)

Early Symptoms Of Alopecia Areata

The most observable symptom of alopecia areata is hair loss. The hair loss appears on the scalp, but in some people, it happens in other parts like eyelashes, on arms and legs, and in the beard in men only. Mostly, hair loss occurs without any redness, rashes, or any itching on the scalp, but it can happen in severe cases.

The hair loss usually happens suddenly, and there is a large amount of hair fall out that is frightening for the affected person. The hair loss starts with the thinning of hair, and as the condition progresses, there are bald patches on the scalp. The hair loss patches grow larger and leave certain more significant bald areas on the scalp.

Hair loss

It is the first and most promising symptom of alopecia areata in most of the patients. However, the hair loss pattern is a bit different among different patients. The different patterns of hair loss describe the different progression stages of alopecia areata. Following are some hair loss patterns that the studies confirm so far