Everything You Need to Know About Blood Diseases – Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Diagnosis,Risk Factors,Types and Treatments


In this disease, the red blood cells are not concave disk-like shaped but are sphere-shaped so that the red blood cells are not much flexible than usual. In this very difficult for red blood cells to pass through the spleen. The spleen plays a role in filtering bacteria, so if the red blood cells do not pass through the spleen, they remain unfiltered.

Their spleen ranges from mild to severe. Mostly the people with mid spherocytosis are unaware of this disease. But most people have an acute stage of this disease. Other symptoms include fatigue, headache, jaundice, irritability, dizziness, shortness of breath, and increased heart rate.

Inherited genes mostly cause it. If any family member has this disease, you may have a chance of developing this disease, but this disease is most common in the people of Northern Europe.

There are many treatments available for this disease, such as surgery in severe cases. While in mild cases, there is some more treatment like vitamins, transfusion, light therapy, and vaccination.

In children, this disease may be diagnosed at an early age, like 3 to 4 years of age. To diagnose this disease, the doctor will perform some physical tests from which the doctor checks how much the size of the spleen increases. There are some medical tests too.