Everything You Need to Know About Blood Diseases – Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Diagnosis,Risk Factors,Types and Treatments

Factor V Leiden

Factor V Leiden is also a blood disease in which there is more than one clotting factor appears in the once body. This clotting factor usually clots blood in the legs and the lungs. There is also a chance that most of the people with factor V Leiden does not have abnormal blood clots in their body.

The factor V Leiden itself does not have any symptoms, but for the first time, the blood clot appears somewhere in his/her body. This disease has infrequent symptoms that are when the person breathes he/she feels the chest pain, an increase of heartbeat, suddenly appears shortness of breath, cough with bleeding, swelling of some body parts, redness appears on body, anxiety, and warmth. Doctors give anticoagulants to such patients for treatment.

This disease spread throughout the world that about 1 out of 10,000 people developed factor V Leiden, in their bodies per year. After 40 years of age, 1 out of 1,000 people developed this disease per year, and after 80 years of age, 1 out of 100 people developed this disease per year.