Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Impressive Benefits, Food Sources

 Prevents hair loss

Vitamin B6 is an important nutrient for keeping your hair healthy. It helps to create new hair cells and prevents existing ones from dying. without enough vitamin B6, your hair can become dry, brittle, and more likely to fall out.

Fortunately, it’s easy to get enough vitamin B6 in your diet. Good sources include poultry, fish, potatoes, and bananas. If you’re concerned about your vitamin B6 intake, talk to your doctor about supplements.

Maintain healthy blood vessels

Vitamin B6 is an important nutrient for keeping blood vessels healthy. It helps to prevent hardening of the arteries and can also reduce the risk of heart disease. Vitamin B6 is found in many foods, including meat, poultry, fish, beans, nuts, and whole grains. The best way to get enough vitamin B6 is to eat a varied diet that includes these foods.