Uterine Fibroids: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Natural Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Medical Treatment

Low Back Pain

Low back pain
Low back pain

There are a number of feelings that a female might goes through if she has uterine fibroids. In case of smaller fibroids, you might not feel anything and do not get to notice the presence of fibroids. However, you can feel discomfort and even painful sensations that have a direct relation to the fibroids developing in your uterus. Fibroids can make you feel back pain which is quite sharp at times and interfere with your normal routine of doing tasks. In rare cases, fibroids might press against the nerves and muscles of the lower back thus resulting in back pain. A larger fibroid locating on the back surface of the uterus has more chances to cause back pain as compared to a small fibroid present inside the uterine wall. As back pain is so common, it is essential to be vigilant for other possible causes of the pain before associating it with the fibroids.