What Causes Dry Eyes?

Main Causes Of Dry Eyes 

main causes of dry eyes
main causes of dry eyes

Tears consist of three layers. There is the outer oily layer, the middle layer is watery and the inner layer is the mucus layer. If the gland that forms the various substances of your teats does not produce or inflame enough mucus, oil, or water, it might be the reason for dry eye syndrome. When the oil starts missing from your tears, they rapidly evaporate and the eye cannot support a moderate supply of the moisture content. (4)

The main causes of dry eyes consist of:

  • Allergies
  • Therapy of hormone replacement
  • LASIK eye surgery
  • Aging
  • Exposure to dry air or wind such as continuous exposure to a heater while winters
  • Some medications consisting of nasal decongestants, antidepressants, antihistamines, and control pills
  • Not blinking sufficiently
  • The long-term wearing of contact lenses
  • Looking at a computer or phone screen for long hours
  • Opening of tear ducts and tear glands

The dry eyes might lead to several reasons that abrupt the healthy tear film. Your tear film consists of three layers such as aqueous fluid, fatty oils, and mucus. This sort of combination typically keeps the eye surface smooth, provides lubrication and clearness as well. Problems regarding these layers might lead to dry eyes. Justifications for tear film not functioning are various consisting of autoimmune disease, hormone changes, allergic eye disease, and inflammation in eyelid glands.  For most people, the reason dry eyes decreases the production of tear or increase tear evaporation.

The decreasing number of tear production

Dry eyes might happen when you are not able to produce sufficient water (aqueous fluid). The medical name used for such a condition is keratoconjunctivitis sicca. The common cause of less tear production consists of:

Certain medical situations consisting allergic eye disease, lupus, vitamin A deficiency, thyroid disorders, Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, host disease, and scleroderma.