What Causes Dry Eyes?

Washing the eyelids to manage inflammation

Washing the eyelids to manage inflammation
Washing the eyelids to manage inflammation

For people with the condition of dry eyes and blepharitis that lead to the inflammation of eyelids, the frequent washing of eyelids can be of great help. Eyelid inflammation resulting from dry eyes blocks the normal flow of oil to the eye which can ultimately lead to reduced lubrication in eye lids. Gentle and frequent washing of eyelids can be helpful. Following are some home remedies to wash your eyes and seek relief from dry eyes:

Applying a warm cloth to your eyes:

You can wet a clean washcloth with warm water ad hold the washcloth over the eyes for a few minutes. Now rewet the cloth with warm water until it cools down. You can also gently rub the washcloth over the eyelids to loosen any debris from eyelids to the base of the eye lashes.